Freelancer Lifeline is a resource destination where FX members can find grant opportunities, loan information, digital events, creative tools, and more. We hope it serves as a source of comfort, inspiration, and support as we navigate the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic together.
Join us in person at The Market at Meadowbrook for a coffee meetup to connect with freelancers in the community. Members and nonmembers are welcome.
The Market is located at 4901 Meadowbrook Parkway, Prairie Village, Kansas. Weather permitting, we will gather in the patio area outdoors. Look for the FX of KC banner when you arrive. Free to attend.
Join us in person at Char Bar for a happy hour to connect with freelancers in the community. Members and nonmembers are welcome.
Char Bar is located at 4050 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64111. Weather permitting, we will try to gather in an area outdoors. Parking is available at the Manor Square Parking Garage located on Pennsylvania Avenue. Look for the FX of KC banner when you arrive.
How to Leverage Google Analytics for Your Business
About this event: Google Analytics is a gold mine of information about how your users and customers are interacting with your website and site content. In this presentation, you’ll learn the fundamental screens we use and why we use them to discover how we can improve our customer experience and better serve our audience.
Members: Free / Guests: $10. Be sure to register in advance on Eventbrite in order to gain access to the Zoom link.
Larissa Uredi has been in the digital marketing industry for 15 years. In that time, she’s worn a lot of hats, but all of them have been informed by data. She is the owner of No-Where Consultants, a B-Corp digital and technology strategy company based in Kansas City. When she’s not working with clients or leading her growing team, you can find her on the mountain bike trails or camping in the mountains of Colorado or Arkansas.
About this event: Whether you’re new to freelancing or have been at it for a while, Freelance Bootcamp is for you! Over the course of a few days, you can join us for this virtual workshop, where you can join in discussions with other freelancers, ask all the questions, and learn what you need to know about running a successful freelance business. We’re talking everything from pitches and prospecting, branding and self-promotion, to rates and rationales, even contracts and client management. Questions? Contact [email protected]. Schedule: Each session is 45 min. – 1 hour. Tuesday, May 24th—11 a.m.: Pricing / Billing; 12 p.m.: Contracts / Intellectual Property; Wednesday, May 25th—11 a.m.: Prospecting / New Biz Dev / Sales; 12 p.m.: Conflict Resolution / Difficult Clients; Thursday, May 26th—11 a.m.: Branding / Self-Promotion; 12 p.m.: Processes / Systems ……………. Tickets get you access to all the sessions, including replays. Zoom links will be emailed out each morning of the event. Questions? Contact [email protected].
Members: Free / Guests: $50. Be sure to register in advance on Eventbrite in order to gain access to the Zoom link.
When setting your rates, it has to be what’s right for you, your business, industry and discipline. Do you charge by the hour, by the project, by the day, by retainer, etc.? And how much? Are you charging enough or too little? How do you bill? Do you ask for a deposit up front? Do you bill at the end of every month, when the project is complete, etc.? When is your invoice due? What are your payment terms? Join this virtual session, led by active member (and future FX board member!) Jeremy Lips, to figure all this out for your very own freelance business.
Getting things in writing is so important. Having a contract in place helps protect both parties, ensures everyone’s on the same page, and prevents any misunderstandings down the road. Though, putting together a contract—or even sending one to a client—can be intimidating. What needs to be in it? Money, timeframe, intellectual property, etc.? Who signs it? What do you do if your client won’t sign it? Register for this session, led by FX Communications Director Kelly Ziegler, to discuss these questions and more.
Wednesday, May 25th–
11:00 AM-11:45 AM: Prospecting/New Biz Dev/Sales
We all know that getting clients and client work is the lifeblood of staying in business. But HOW do you go about doing so? Does the word “sales” send shivers down your spine? It doesn’t have to … if you shift your mindset in how you approach new-business development. Join us for this interactive session, led by past FX board member George Weyrauch, on prospecting to help you get out of your comfort zone, find new business (or new work from existing clients!), and set yourself up for freelance success.
No one ever said running your own business was easy. Add that to the inevitable difficult client, disagreement, or misunderstanding you’ll come across, and you’ve gotten yourself an interesting situation that you—and only you as a freelancer can get yourself out of. What strategies can you take to salvage the relationship and find a win-win solution? Or, at what point do you walk away? Join us for this virtual round table discussion, led by FX Social Director (and future VP!) Michelle Schneider to share ideas and learn best practices.
Thursday, May 26th–
11:00 AM-11:45 AM: Branding/Self-Promotion
All freelancers and creative solopreneurs need an identity and marketing strategy. How else will prospective clients find you? As hard as it may be, you need to put yourself out there. Why? Because people like to work with those whom they know, like and trust. And a great way to become that person is by creating (and maintaining!) a solid brand and promotional strategy. Join us for this inspirational session, led by FX Founder & President Julie Cortés, to share ideas (and discover new ones!) as to best branding and self-promotion strategies for freelancers.
12:00 PM-12:45 PM: Processes/Systems
Being organized and having processes and systems in place is essential for freelance success. Set yourself with a good and productive workflow to get your business running like a well-oiled machine, to avoid costly mistakes, and to prevent yourself from disappointing your clients. Sign up for this session, led by FX Programs Director (and future Secretary!) Amber Monaco, to learn what others are doing, how to treat your clients to the best vendor relationship, get some great tips and tricks, and modify them to fit your very own freelance business.
Onboard Like a Pro with Amber Monaco of You Need An Amber, LLC.
About this event: Your onboarding process doesn’t have to be complicated or haphazard!
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to create a thoughtful and loving experience for your new clients that can be replicated time and time again. Onboarding should be a nurturing experience for new clients who have already shown they trust you by signing the contract and paying the first invoice.
But what happens after that??
As the business owner, you need to create a nurturing client experience of small tasks with a BIG impact. It only takes a little bit of extra effort to show your new client that you’re prepared for their project, excited about the work, and are ready to get started.
NOTE: This workshop will not discuss contracts or invoices. We’ll be talking about what happens AFTER you’ve booked a client.
Members: Free / Guests: $10. Be sure to register in advance on Eventbrite in order to gain access to the Zoom link.
Amber Monaco is the owner of You Need An Amber. She helps business owners keep the backend of their business organized by creating systems, processes, and workflows. Amber has been in the online space since 2011, and this is her 3rd business.
Outside of work, Amber is an avid traveler (44 countries!), maintains a huge garden, bakes bread, and works tirelessly to keep her chickens alive. She lives in Kansas City with her fiancé, Andrew, and his two kids.