Freelancer Lifeline is a resource destination where FX members can find grant opportunities, loan information, digital events, creative tools, and more. We hope it serves as a source of comfort, inspiration, and support as we navigate the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic together.

FX July Coffee Meetup

July 13, 2023 @ 8:30 am 10:00 am

Commune in July with old friends, while meeting new ones! Take a moment for yourself in the midst of a swirling 2023. This unique meeting space contains walls of board games and puzzles for purchase. You may find one you wish to take back to your WFH space! Join us as we catch up over coffee (or tea)!

Members and nonmembers welcome. Free to attend.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

Urban Prairie Coffee

5606 Johnson Drive
Mission, Kansas 66202 United States
+ Google Map
(913) 214-2255
View Venue Website

AI Is Another Technology We Must Embrace

I now have TikTok on my phone, and it’s all because of artificial intelligence (AI).

The connection is not as crazy as it sounds, because each tool is part of the communications revolution that is unfolding before our eyes. It was Burton Kelso who connected the dots during a recent lunch presentation for The Freelance Exchange (FX).

Kelso is a technology guru and the owner of a computer-service company. His main topic was AI, including ChatGPT.

But one of his main messages was that savvy freelancers and solopreneurs have no choice but to at least gain a working knowledge of all the new electronic tools that are out there— be they video apps, AI platforms, or social media sites like LinkedIn.

“Instead of saying, ‘Well, I don’t know anything about LinkedIn,’” Kelso said. “It’s your job to figure out how LinkedIn works, and especially how it can benefit your business.”

The same thing goes for AI, he said. We need to understand it so we can better serve our clients — and remain relevant. The challenge, as with any new technological innovation, is carving out the time to learn how to use it.

Kelso walked us through a dozen AI products, including Dall • E2, which creates art from a text description, and Jenni, a text tool that promises to “supercharge your next research paper” along with crafting blog posts, speeches, and more. He also introduced us to Murf, your new AI friend who makes “studio-quality voice overs in minutes.”

AI is not infallible. Products like ChatGPT generate copy with mistakes and falsehoods.

Yet, it’s hard to fathom that Dall • E2 does not pose a challenge to graphic artists or that Jenni or Murf do not threaten the livelihoods of writers or broadcast specialists. 

“People do business with people,” Kelso reassured his audience.

I agree, but in a recent conversation, one local nonprofit executive told me he uses ChatGPT to generate rough drafts of blog posts. He is smart enough to double-check the supposed facts the AI tool includes, and he also massages the text to make it sound more like him. Nevertheless, he considers it a huge timesaver and did not dispute my assertion that AI could eat into my business. 

Humans can produce better material, but I can certainly envision a cost-conscious manager slashing a freelance budget or eliminating a position when AI can generate something that is adequate.

Part of me says, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” There’s nothing stopping me from using AI to draft narratives. I could be more efficient for my clients and free up time for other things.

But I don’t want to do that. I like the creative process. It’s why I have stuck with journalism and writing for so long.

I hope that’s not a step down the road to professional extinction, but with all the advances of AI, it’s hard not to worry.

From my many years in newspapers, I know what a fatal mistake it can be to misjudge the threat of a new communications technology. The internet was a long way toward destroying our business model before industry executives started fighting back. But by then, it was too little, too late.

So, I will heed Kelso’s advice. I pledge to dig into some of these AI platforms — and I might kill two birds with one stone by posting about my experiences on LinkedIn!

Also, on my list is gaining some proficiency with TikTok, but the app has already paid some personal dividends. Our 13-year-old son smiled when I told him I had downloaded it, and then he took a little bit of time to give dear old dad a quick tutorial.

Guest blogger: Mike Sherry is the principal of OnPoint Communications, which specializes in storytelling for nonprofits. With more than 30 years of print and online journalism experience, Mike produces narratives that drive fund development and marketing success. His cost-effective approach ensures that his content serves many purposes, including copy for e-newsletters, grant applications, gratitude reports, websites, and more.

FX June Luncheon

June 30, 2023 @ 11:30 am 1:00 pm

$25 – $35

How to Become a Master Networker and Connector

Join us for a delightful afternoon with Allen Little. This is an in-person exclusive opportunity to hear from a top-rated motivational coach in the industry. Allen will share his insights on the latest trends and best practices in the field. This talk will equip you with everything you need to become a master networker and connector. He will share with you his secrets on How to Become a Master Networker and build an online community. Don’t miss this chance to network with other professionals and gain valuable knowledge.

• Your ticket includes lunch options provided by Blue Pot Catering.
• Free Parking Lot with free overflow street parking on McGee Street.
• Tickets available for online purchase only. No sales will be accepted at the door.

Reserve your seat today; seating is limited!


Allen Little is a TEDx Speaker and three-time, #1 Rated Coach in Kansas City. He is the founder of A Little Motivation, LLC, a coaching organization that helps individuals become creatively in charge of their lives and succeed. His first speech was at the Iowa Caucasus during the 2016 presidential elections. Allen was the speaking opponent of would be president Donald J. Trump and Allen won. This speech can be found on YouTube and he spoke about making the country great by loving again. In his free time, Allen likes to travel, play pickleball, and visit new vegan restaurants.


Catering provided by Blue Pot Catering

Sandwich includes: Kettle Chips, Chef Selected Seasonal Fruit and Signature Chocolate Chip Cookie with Maldon Sea Salt.
#1 Peppered Steak and Smoked Gouda: Grilled and Sliced Beef Petite Tender, Chimichurri Sauce, Smoked Gouda, Tomato and Crisp Lettuce
#2 Pub Chicken: Peppered Grilled Chicken, House-Made KC Beer Company Dunkel Pub Cheese, Roasted Garlic Bacon Aioli, Tomato and Crisp Lettuce

Salad includes: Signature Chocolate Chip Cookie with Maldon Sea Salt and Farm-to-Market Roll with Butter.
#3 Berry Salad: Mixed Greens, Seasonal Berries, Feta Cheese, Candied Pecans, Citrus Agave Dressing
#4 Caesar Salad: Shaved Romaine and Arugula, Blackened Chicken, Torn Bread Croutons, Cracked Pepper Dressing, Shaved Parmesan and Pickled Red Onion


Members and nonmembers welcome. Members: $25 / Guests: $35

Networking starts at 11:30 a.m. with the presentation from noon to 1 p.m.

Questions? Contact [email protected]

Kansas City Public Library – Waldo Branch

201 E 75TH ST, Room A
Kansas City, Missouri 64114 United States
+ Google Map

FX June Happy Hour

June 8, 2023 @ 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

Celebrate June with old friends and find new ones! Come out and share a brew. We are hoping for great weather and will be gathering outdoors, if the weather allows. Take some time for yourself and join us as we catch up and start the summer strong!

Questions? Contact [email protected].

FX Freelance Bootcamp 2023

May 16, 2023 @ 9:00 am 4:00 pm

$35 – $50
Freelance Boot Camp 2023

Whether you’re new to freelancing or have been at it for a while, the Freelance Boot Camp is for you! The Freelance Boot Camp is an all-day event aimed at freelancers and solopreneurs in the creative and marketing industries. The event features presentations covering a range of topics, including mindset and wellness for the solopreneur, systems and processes for running a successful business, and how to find new clients and maintain a steady income. Attendees can also enjoy networking and workshops on branding and self-promotion, what every freelancer should know about the law, as well as maximizing their FX portfolio. Ticket prices include lunch, making it an ideal opportunity for freelancers and solopreneurs to learn new skills, network, and enjoy a day of professional development.

Members: $35 / Nonmembers: $50

Questions? Contact [email protected]

*Due to popular demand, registration has been extended ’til midnight Sunday night, May 14th. DON’T MISS OUT!


Mindset and Wellness for the Solopreneur with Julia Harkleroad

The presentation will focus on the importance of maintaining a positive and healthy mindset as a solopreneur and the strategies that can be used to achieve this. Julia is a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist and mental health advocate. She offers Executive/Lifestyle coaching to individuals to bring solutions to the challenges they face. Learn more about Julia at or follow her on Instagram @JuliaHarkleroad.

Run an Easier Business with Systems with Amber Monaco

Running a business shouldn’t be hard. It should be easy and attainable, especially beyond the startup phase. Systems are the key to delivering on your promise, maintaining your brand, maintaining consistency, and exceeding client expectations. In this keynote, Amber Monaco, certified Director of Operations, inspires business owners to embrace systems so that there is more time in the business for creativity and strategy.

Branding & Self Promotion with Julie Cortés

All freelancers and creative solopreneurs need an identity and marketing strategy. How else will prospective clients find you? As hard as it may be, you need to put yourself out there. Why? Because people like to work with those whom they know, like, and trust. And a great way to become that person is by creating (and maintaining!) a solid brand and promotional strategy. Join us for this inspirational session, led by FX Founder & President Julie Cortés, to share ideas (and discover new ones!) as to best branding and self-promotion strategies for freelancers.

What Freelancers Should Know About “The Law” with Chris Brown

Freelancers are more likely to succeed if they take legal issues seriously. In this presentation and Q&A, Pixel Law founder Chris Brown will talk through LLCs, taxes, intellectual property, contracts, and more. Chris is a freelancer himself and has helped thousands of freelancers organize the legal side of their business. You can learn more about Pixel Law at and connect with Chris @thepixellawyer on Instagram and Twitter.

How Do You Get New Business and Maintain a Steady Income?
Panel Discussion with Jeremy Lips, Kelly Ziegler, Katelyn Proberts, and Janella Williams

The panel discussion will focus on the challenges that freelancers face when it comes to finding new clients and maintaining a steady income. The panelists will share their experiences, tips, and strategies on how they have been able to consistently find new clients and ensure that they have a steady stream of income. They will discuss different techniques for networking and building relationships with potential clients. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the panelists.

CEO Hour with Amber Monaco

Take a special afternoon for you, as the CEO, to take some time to work on your business. You could do this alone, but I have created a worksheet and structure around the day so you leave feeling accomplished. Plus, you’ll be surrounded by other people who are working to make their business better too. Hello, inspiration!

Sylvester Powell Jr. Community Center

6200 Martway Street
Mission, 66202 United States
+ Google Map


Sunflower Benefits Group


3 Clever Broads
Pixel Law

Member Sponsorship Opportunities Are Available!

Promote yourself at the event and beyond! With a sponsorship contribution, you will receive visibility on event marketing materials, as well as the FX website. Put your business front and center with banner ads to generate even more leads.

Level 1 Member Sponsorship ($250)

Advertise your business at the Freelance Boot Camp and on FX marketing channels. This includes the following:

  • Slide that will run during nonpresentation times (1920 x 1080 px)
  • Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time permitting)
  • Large banner ad (1150 x 315 px, JPG, PNG, or GIF) on FX website* for six months
  • Mentions in social media and email newsletters

Level 2 Member Sponsorship ($150)

Advertise your business at the Freelance Boot Camp and on FX marketing channels. This includes the following:

  • Slide that will run during nonpresentation times (1920 x 1080 px)
  • Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time permitting)
  • Small banner ad (550 x 315 px, JPG, PNG, or GIF) on FX website* for three months

Level 3 Member Sponsorship ($100)

Advertise your business at the Freelance Boot Camp and on FX marketing channels. This includes the following:

  • Slide that will run during nonpresentation times (1920 x 1080 px)
  • Logo on event signage and fliers handed out at event (time permitting)
  • Small banner ad (550 x 315 px, JPG, PNG, or GIF) on FX website* for one month

Level 4 Member Sponsorship ($25)

Advertise your business at the Freelance Boot Camp and on FX marketing channels. This includes the following:

  • Slide that will run during nonpresentation times (1920 x 1080 px)

Please submit your graphics to [email protected] as soon as possible to allow time to incorporate them into the event materials.